We decided to go in the late morning in order to best accomodate Liam's schedule (evening would have been cooler but he goes to bed fairly early these days). We arrived at 11:30 and stayed until 2:00, which turned out to be the hottest period of the day at around 97 degrees!
One interesting food find was a frozen pickle juice popsicle! Maybe some of you have heard of this new phenomenon in the media but since we just recently arrived from Canada, it was our first encounter. Check it out: http://bobspicklepops.com/index.htm As a lifelong pickle-lover, I had to try one and convinced Jon to join me. I have always loved eating pickles and drinking the juice from pickle jars, a habit for which I was often teased by roommates over the years. But I was not prepared for this... it wasn't bad but it certainly wasn't refreshing on a day like today in the middle of 120 acres of asphalt.

This was my first time to a flea market and even though I expected to see lots of stuff I wouldn't buy, I was still amazed at the acres of junk! The classic flea market items that you see at almost every other booth seemed to include tacky t-shirts of all kinds (raunchy, death-metal, hideous, religious kitch, and just plain rude), knock-off sunglasses, knock-off sports shoes, and cheap plastic toys of the dollar store variety. There were also acres of booths covered with cheap bras and panties, jewelry, and yard ornaments. I was surprised to come across quite a few pet shops as well, all of them air conditioned. They were selling parrots and iguanas as well as the classic pets.

Liam did well despite the heat. His favorite thing was the metal table we ate lunch on in the shade. He loved the texture and hitting it with various objects like my metal bracelet and his sippie cup. He also giggled quite a bit over the paper that was used to wrap our burritos. Why spend money on expensive toys when the kid gets a kick out of a table and paper?